We’ve been nominated

Coralee & Finn and Angel & Chaos have nominated us for The Super Sweet Blogging Award and Versatile Blogging Award.

Roy and I are super duper excited! It’s only been 7 weeks since Roy joined our family and starred on this blog. So receiving this nomination feels awesome!

Thank you Coralee and Finn! Do visit them @ http://www.barkandchatter.com/

Thank you Angel and Choas! Do visit them @ http://angelandchaos.wordpress.com/

Now before I get into the blogging award rules, let me warn you. I have been told that I am the queen of exaggeration. 😀 But I’ll try my best to keep this simple and short.


Super Sweet Blogging Award Rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Done

2. Include the award image on your blog. Done

3. Nominate and notify a baker’s dozen sweet blogs for this award. To be done shortly

4. Answer 5 Super Sweet questions:

Cookies or Cake?

Cake please… and make that chocolate mud cake! There is cake shop nearby called The Red Mango Patisserie. They make the best Jamaican chocolate mud cake (A moist enriching double layer of dark Jamaican chocolate mud cake, mounted and finished with a dark chocolate ganache icing with the sides adorned by Kryptonite chocolate flakes). Howz that!

Vanilla or Chocolate?

Chocolate of course, but if it is ice-cream then Vanilla please!

What is your favorite sweet treat?

Tim Tams mate. For all the non-Australian bloggers, if you ever get a chance to have them, make sure you do. These are the best!


When do you crave sweet things the most?

When I’ve had something spicy.

If you had a sweet name, what would it be?



Versatile Blogger Rules:

1. Add The Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post. Done

2. Thank the person who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post. Done

3. Pass the award along to 15 favorite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award. Done

4. Share Seven Things About Yourself:

I am a nature lover, tree hugger, environmentalist and sustainable living advocate! In my current job I work with a bunch of like minded people trying to save one of Australia’s most polluted rivers.

Books are my God and reading is my religion. I am currently reading “Courting Samira” by Amal Awad. It is a super funny story of  a young Muslim women living in Sydney. The book gives a perspective on the second generation Arab Muslim women in the Australian pop culture. If you love reading and enjoy chick lit, check it out at http://www.courtingsamira.com.

I am a budding knitter. My m-i-l recently visited us and gave me the knitting bug. Now I am trying to keep up the family tradition. Might have to start a blog on knitting soon. The blog would most likely be named ‘100waysknittingcangowrong’. 😉

People eat to live. I live to eat. I love trying new cuisine and delicacies. Greek and Chinese (Australian version) are my all time favourites. Rahul and I also like to recreate some of the new dishes we tried and loved. 9 out of 10 times it’s a disaster but that hasn’t stopped us! 😀 Our friends insist that we should participate in My Kitchen Rules. Sure, they would love the drama!

I am herpetophobic. I know, it’s an irony that I live in a country that has the most number of reptile species in the world, largest number of snakes/ poisonous snakes in the world and the world’s largest reptile lives here – the Saltwater crocodile!

The number one item on my bucket list is to travel to every corner of the world. I have been fortunate to have lived in 3 countries and travelled to 14 so far. 

I am married to a man who has lived and worked in 6 countries. Australia is his 7th country. I always wonder, where next?

And now it’s time to nominate other blogs. Here is list of some of the blogs we love and follow.

Rubie a miniature schnauzer

Marley’s World

My life in blog years


For the love of dogs

Tails of Teach

Bird Brains and Dog Tale

I still want more puppies



Parker Chronicles

Apprehensive Oreo

A word from Solo

Life as a Champ

Beagles and Bargains

Hope you enjoy these blogs as much as we do!


22 thoughts on “We’ve been nominated

  1. Thanks so much for nominating us for the award!! It was our first blogging award so was super excited. Loved reading your blog and seeing Roy grow up. Thanks again!!
    ~Rebecca & Teach

  2. Congratulations on your first blogging awards:) I bet there will be plenty more! Thank you for passing them on to us too 🙂 I LOVE Tim Tams, mmmm. Have fun with the knitting, I used to do an awful lot of it, and spin my own wool. It’s a great relaxer … as long as you don’t drop too many stitches, lol!

    • That is so true. Knitting helps me calm down and relax especially after a long day. I still drop stitches, which can get frustrating. Hopefully i’ll get better at it. 🙂

  3. I’m so late stopping by, but I wanted to say thank you so much for passing this on to my blog, and congrats on your awards! 🙂

    Now I feel like I need to track down a TimTam.

    Oh, and I’ve been learning to knit too! It’s slow going so far…

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